Monday, October 19, 2009

Updated Statement

Throughout time, society has come across issues of poverty and crime. Some efforts have been made to correct the minds of the unfortunate however no valid attempts have been made to revitalize them into a positive aspect of our community. The goal now should be to detain, and rehabilitate into society through a means of education and integration. The facility will incorporate all means of community possible without seclusion. Through the use of existing conditions both in building structure and existing structure of lives to be corrected, an architectural statement will create a blur of the physical and metaphysical aspects of space; as well as human interactions within those spaces. In order to create this "blur" of conditions old and new a number of provisions will be made to accommodate community interaction, educational facilities, housing, and administrative help including healthcare and social services. tThe aim of such an institution is to give those less fortunate the means to re-learn many things that members of our community take for granted. In order to benefit its users the building will be comprised of 3 major components. These components; medical, educational, and social will have 3 stages ranging from intensive treatment to final rehabilitation. Major program elements are to include Patient Information center, Research Facility, and a distribution area where newcomers will be evaluated and placed in the most beneficial stage to suit their needs.


  1. This sounds like something that can be modeled architecturally. I would say its good for now. Following the review I'm sure it will get more focused.

    Concentrate on this idea of "blurring" and build a model to represent it.

  2. I think it is really good. The only thing I'm wondering is the components and what makes up these components... the social, medical, and education. When you say the newcomers will be evaluated and placed in the most beneficial stage... do you mean place in the corresponding components?

  3. Absolutely,
    I invision this project as not one building, but given my site, a series of buildings. That maybe although seperate, have an extremely clear, distinctive corrospondance to one another. IE, the new clients would potentially arive at a welcoming center structure where they would recieve expeditited attention...and placed within the "stage" of the process that is most applicable to that given person. I think of this in relation to how things currently work. "your homeless, mentally go HERE" ("here" being your average nut house that all serve the same purpose, same program, same design...etc.)

  4. How do you "blur" connections / the views - both literally and psychologically (phenomenally) / old and new structures / public and private programs / inside and outside.

    "Stage". What does this mean? Something to view / an act of something / a moment in a sequential process – an Event?? How do you stage the architectural Events?


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