Monday, December 14, 2009


In this scheme, it is the about the concept of the extruding the existing grid lines. The "stepping" would create multiple terraces for the doctors offices/administrators. The building would extrude over to connect to the gym.

This scheme is about wrapping around the site to create an enclosed courtyard. On the east side of the site there would be a bridging above the courtyard and that is where you would enter for the clinic.

This final scheme is about creating an atrium with a sunken gym. The gym would be halfway below ground and have a walkway that surrounds it. The bottom half on the gym is glass so it can be an open view to the public. The courtyard is a terraced down to the gym. The main building would have the same affect as the gym by having a a glass circulation path around a core. There would be program that connects both to the main building and gym but is above the the courtyard so that remain unaffected.


  1. So which one do you think is working?

  2. Have you received the drawings of the existing building? You need a drawing of the existing conditions with columns and stairs located accurately and a section with the floors drawn to scale and spaced properly. This is a must for the review. Have you finished the elevation drawings?

  3. I think the first and last scheme is working. They both have their pros and cons. I like the first one because of the terracing and the options because I feel limited with the last one.

    I went to the town to pick up the drawings and apparently they have no record of any drawings. All they had was a survey from the 60's. I'm waiting to hear back from the number I called that was on the side of the building...

  4. Ok so you will need to make some assumptions. Floor to Floor height say 12'-0" and you generally know the column grid. You need to make an assumpion on the stair locations.


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