Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1 comment:

  1. I saw this:

    The NFDP offers a wide variety of services to train and support immigrants as they work to start their own farm businesses. In addition, we have provided opportunities for our participants to take ownership in the project and guide its growth.

    Training and Education: La Nueva Siembra is the NFDP`s comprehensive training course and a membership requirement for all NFDP members. The course is offered during the spring, and includes workshops at local farms. The NFDP provides scholarships for local conferences and workshops.

    Identifying Farmland: Once participants are ready to start their own farm business, the NFDP helps them identify appropriate farmland for lease or sale in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
    If you have farmland that you would like to rent or sell to an NFDP farmer, please fill out our Farm Listing form.

    Small Farm Loans: The NFDP also provides its farmers with access to a microcredit loan program. You must be an NFDP member to be eligible for this loan program. Heifer International provided the funds for this loan program as a pilot project for its microcredit programs in the United States.

    Marketing: Through its relationship with Greenmarket, the project provides NFDP farmers with access to Greenmarket's farmers markets. The NFDP also links participants with other farmers markets, CSAs and restaurants.

    Mentorship: Structured like an apprenticeship, mentorship partners NFDP farmers with established local farmers in their area. This provides an opportunity to get hands-on experience and support from peers. If you are interested in mentoring an NFDP farmer, please contact us.

    New Farmer Support: The NFDP provides farmers with intensive one-on-one support, including farm and market visits throughout the growing season. We provide project farmers with technical assistance and services, and work with our partners to provide the farmers with the skills and support they need to develop successful farm businesses.

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