Sunday, March 21, 2010

Question for Derek

Hey Derek I was wondering if you could tell me where you get your plexi from? I'm trying to do my final site model out of wood and plexi and don't really know what to use and was wondering if you could help me out finding what I want since I'm not from here haha. My cell is 646.725.7033 send me a text. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. No problem Man.
    The place is called Laird Plastics. They basically are a company that gets specified to supply the plastics for display cases in department stores etc. They are on old country Road, I cant seem to find my sense of orientation today, but its either DIRECTLY before or after the wantagh parkway....Its on the same side as starbucks, down a narrow street that starbucks is on the corner of. When you see it this will all seem preety clear. You drive ALL the way down that block and you will come to the place on the left. Theyll give you tons of whatever you want for practically nothing.

    I left my cell at home ( im at work right now ) but give me a call later tonight or whenever your ready to go if you want and il try to make more sense out of my directions.


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