Friday, March 5, 2010

Planning Pandemonium

All of this is somewhat free association sketching. I have very little insight as to what ive done here other than, its starting to work. Trying to translate the concept of a "blur" architecturally without being exceptionally cheesy about it is quite a task.

Ive sketch shaded each plan gray representing the ground floor at that given level. These are attempting to pull the different ground planes through and around one another strategically in order to better translate them into a meaningful pattern of circulation while not loosing the connection to fact, improving them on Tuesdays plans.
Im starting to pickup on a rythem that Im going to really nail in order to pull this off, however as you can see in the 3rd level (+10') plan, the pulling of these levels is really starting to inform program placement as well as circulation change among the 3 levels.


1 comment:

  1. I think you are beginning to distort the boundaries in the shaping of the ground. The “bridge” and vertical in section are helping.


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