Monday, April 19, 2010



Stacy had a review by an outside critic who exposed some critical issues and helped her find resolution on those issues. The project is now better and I'm glad she looked for alternative criticism and I encourage all of you to do the same. In light of this, Amoia and I came up with an idea of swapping class for half time tomorrow to look at each others studio projects as a kind of closed review. Pin up your work and your complete model and she will review it without you discussing it to see if it looks convincing and has followed through on its promise. If you don't have a complete set of drawings and a model I'm sure she won't be convinced and this will impact my view going forward. Plan to stay late and we can talk more even after the evening event. Who is doing the presentation?

Robert Cody


  1. Professor,
    Should we be including maybe our midterm board, or something of this type to help her relate to our original ideas? I guess what im asking is, Is it okay to just have a full set of drawings and a model....stand alone?

  2. No prior information required or allowed. Amoia already knows the general nature of your projects. Just the drawings and model you have produced since Friday. Its crunch time.

  3. I will be doing the Pecha Kucha presentation. Unfortunately I have yet to put it together since I've been working solely on thesis but it should be fine. Keyword "should" haha

  4. Nik...
    The presentation is a reflection on the class, so after tomorrow.... And a few hours of sleep if you need a hand with anything give me a shout. I'll give you a hand with whatever i can.


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